JConcepts Racing bag, T-shirt and Decal sheet
Also new from JConcepts is their medium Racing Bag, a compact, multi-purpose equipment bag that can be used for about any of your R/C needs. Shown next to the small JConcepts bag above, its design and proportions allow you to store and transfer just about any combination of compact R/C equipment you desire. With a total of 3 composite drawers, there is enough room for a 1/10 scale buggy or touring car as well as room for radio gear, tools, tires, or various other R/C gear. Also from JConcepts, their new t-shirt is based on the popular splash theme, it sports a completely detailed front logo design including the popular and powerful JConcepts logo along with graffiti, splash and sketch imagery type in the background. The back includes a smaller print highlighting the JConcepts logo to show your style whether you are coming or going. Finally, there is a new World Champions logo decal sheet which is multi-purpose specifically for any body or miscellaneous accessory. Vividly printed, it includes the JConcepts brand identities with the World champion tag line.
Source: JConcepts [jconcepts.net]