KO Propo EX-1 K.I.Y. transmitter
In a press conference in Japan today, KO Propo introduced its new Kustomize It Yourself (K.I.Y.) interchangeable transmitter. The concept of the new K.I.Y. brings simplicity to customizing and upgrading within a modular system. The new transmitter is composed of 3 modular units, Steering, Throttle and Master units. The three separate modular units can be easily put together, no screws required. Just push the safety lock of the joint, pull the lever and pull or push to insert or remove the modular unit.
Finally the Grip unit which is comprised of the throttle and power. 4 x AAA batteries are needed and the battery magazine is inserted into the grip. A left-handed version will also be available.
The Steering unit features different variations such as wheel steering, drop down wheel for the Wheel steering and Stick steering.
The Master unit is the “brains” of the transmitter containing the CPU and 2.4GHz RF system. It also incorporates the display screen which tilts down for storage.
Source: KO Propo [kopropo.com]