Team ART Academy X1 conversion
Team ART have shown on their website, this prototype conversion for the Academy SB-V2 4wd buggy, and has participated with it in the recent Korean Nationals, placing 4th and showing the pace of this car. From the picture you can see that it appears to use the center from a HB Cyclone D4, with different carbon upper plate, while continuing to utilise the geometry and outward transmission from the SB-V2. This is presumably for better weight distribution as now the batteries saddle the center shaft and the motor and center gear assembly are further forward, the original SB-V2 features a rear mounted gear assembly and the batteries are mounted on 1 side.
UPDATE: Jimmy ‘the train spotter’ from oOple, has corrected me regarding the center assembly, that while it may look like the D4 / BJW assembly, it is in fact ‘completely’ different. We shall be running all of this stuff past his eagle eyes in the future.
Source: Team ART []