January 6, 2008

Novak Mongoose Micro Brushless System

Novak Mongoose Micro Brushless System

Novak has released their latest line of micro brushless systems, with the announcement of the release of the Mongoose Micro Brushless System. This system includes the new Novak Mongoose Brushless/Brush ESC factory-wired to one of three, new Novak Three-80 Micro Pro Brushless Motors. The Three-80 Micro Pro is the first sensor-based brushless motor that is specifically designed for 1/18 and 1/16-scale cars. Because it is sensored and lightweight, it gives micro scale cars the ability to manouver at high speeds in extremely tight spaces, all with unsurpassed low speed and braking control. The Mongoose’s Brushless/Brush ESC and sensored brushless motor are perfectly matched to maximize performance and handle with the agility and speed of a mongoose.

Source: Novak [teamnovak.com]


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