May 19, 2008

E-Power 4500mAh & 1600mAh cells

E-Power 4500mAh & 1600mAh cells

Etang Power, makers of the E-Power cells have been in contact, to inform us about the release of 2 new cells. The new E-Power 4500 Sub C cell has an average voltage of 1.235V, before zapping, at 30A discharging rate and an IR of 1.6-1.8, also before zapping. The company are also claiming 540 seconds runtime at 30A discharge rate. Also new from the same company are some E-Power 1600 2/3A cell and an average voltage of 1.05-1.06V.

Click more to see the 1600 cell…

E-Power 4500mAh & 1600mAh cells

Source: Etang Power []


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