February 21, 2009

VRC Column – Promo site & Evolva M3

VRC Column - Promo site & Evolva M3

VRC has been spreading information about VRC PRO mainly through these columns which appear in leading r/c car magazines and websites. Middle of February VRC will launch its VRC PRO promotional site which will give you an insight in what is to be expected in VRC PRO, details to be announced on the official VRC website at www.virtualrc.com. We have stated before in these columns that VRC PRO will be a project continuously developing, new features will be made available on the fly with the integrated software updater keeping everybody’s VRC installations up to date. So don’t expect everything you will find on the VRC PRO promotional website to be available at the first launch. The main focus will be on nitro and electric on-road in 1:10 and 1:8 scale with off road and other classes to follow later.

Meet the VRC Team
Giving VRC a face… On the new VRC PRO site you will find a section which will shine some light on the VRC team who is behind this ambitious project. Each member of the team plays an important role and here is explained who does what.

VRC Column - Promo site & Evolva M3

VRC Column - Promo site & Evolva M3

Kyosho Evolva M3 Modelled
VRC graphics artist Tony West has now completed the Kyosho Evolva M3 chassis which is now ready for implementation in VRC Pro. With the 1:8 scale nitro Evolva the Kyosho line-up now consists of the 3 cars including the popular V-One RRR 1:10 scale nitro racer and the TF-5 Stallion Shin 1:10 scale electric chassis. Kyosho is one of the major brands who have fully committed their support to the VRC Pro concept.

VRC Column - Promo site & Evolva M3

VRC Pro Product Collection
‘Let’s put all the boxes and fuel cans created for VRC Pro on a shelve and see what this looks like’ this is what Tony West must have thought when he created this incredible selection which makes it look like a real hobby store. In VRC Pro you build your own car by picking your favorite components and wouldn’t it be nice to pick them right of the shelve?

For more information about VRC go to the game website here.


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