RC Disco is seeking 1/8th off road talent
RC Disco is currently looking at strengthening their UK 8th scale off road team for the 2010 Season. If you think you would like to represent RC Disco in the 8th off road class next year, then why not get in touch with them to discus the possibilities of joining the Xray Team. Joining the team offers reduced pricing on all products available from RC Disco, but focusing on the 8th Buggy Market. Also expect strong team support from top international Xray drivers in the UK such as Jon Hazlewood, Reece Sawyer and Brenn Ralls as well as direct information and set up advice from Xray and their factory drivers from around the World. If you are interested in finding out more about joining the Xray Team, then please send an email to gregh[a]rcdisco.com
Source: RC Disco [rcdisco.com]