X-Factory X-6 Rear CVD axle
X-Factory have announced a new rear axle for the X-6 and X-6 Squared buggy, designed specially for car and manufactured by M.I.P.. Chief Engineer Paul Sinclair explained that Many drivers have used their older rear axle which was a direct copy of the BK2 axle and it needed shims on the inside to make it work. While many drivers use it because it allows full droop, the old axle as really too long and sometimes caused the dogbones to bottom out in the outdrives. This new axle is the perfect length allowing full droop but will not bottom out in the outdrive and includes the correct spacer to go between the axle and the inner bearing. The axle fits right on your C.V.D. in place of the standard B4 axle and the spacer goes on the axle against the shoulder to the inside of the inner wheel bearing.
Source: X-Factory [xfactoryrc.com]