February 24, 2010

Twister Tires ends deal with ATS

Twister Tires ends deal with ATS

Contrary to Twister Tires’ previous announcement, Kevin Hutchinson and DJ Apolaro have now stated that they will not in fact carry Twister/ATS tires any longer. Here is what they had to say about the changes of plan:

After 2.7 years of helping build the ATS/Twister tire brand’s reputation in the Western Hemisphere, we want to say thanks to our customers and sorry for the recent delays. We are in the process of introducing a new tire line, spearheaded by Piero Torregiani (former head man with ATS). Our new product is currently being developed to ensure our customers get an even better product than before, along with the same great customer service. Please bear with us during these next few months and be assured you won’t be disappointed.

Source: Twister Tires [twistertiresusa.com]


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