Ardent Raceway Winter series – Announcement
Ardent Raceway – The UKs largest permanent indoor track announces it’s on-road winter series incorporating all forms of on-road electric RC racing. The series has attracted sponsorship from Moorespeed, Much-More Racing, RC-Disco, Schumacher Racing with main sponsor being the Motorsport mad KICK Energy drink company owned by Rally star Steve Perez. £8000 worth of prizes including high speed passenger rides in their Ford Focus Rally Car at the Chatsworth Rally show in 2011.
Race dates
Rnd1 – 16th and 17th October
Rnd2 – 13th and 14th November
Rnd3 – 4th and 5th December
Rnd4 – 8th and 9th January
Rnd5 – 12th and 13th February
Rnd6 – 12th and 13th March
Source: Ardent Racing []