Christopher McCauley wins Irish National opener
Sunday 8th May saw the first round of the 1/8 Irish Nationals held at the BAD MCC track. Heavy rain on Saturday evening after a long spell of dry weather saw the race track needing water extracted from the race straight and tight corners. During the course of the morning the track conditions changed from damp and loamy to dry and dusty making visibility difficult. The nationals consist of four qualifying rounds and a forty five minute final. The race began with Barkley Abernathy in the lead for the first 25 minutes however whilst coming in for re-fueling he had some issues and was overtaken by Christopher McCauley who would go on to win the race with his M.C.R Sweep tyres XRAY 808. Second place went to Gary Baird and 3rd place to Barkley Abernathy.
Source: Sweep Racing UK []