Vintage Offroad Nationals results
The 4th annual Vintage Offroad Nationals was held last weekend at RCHR in Waterbury, CT. All racers prepared 1994 and earlier cars and the weekend saw some super close racing in each of the six classes. Everything from Losi JRX2s and Associated RC10s to Tamiya Falcons and Clod Busters were run and it was truly legendary to see these classic cars racing wheel to wheel once again.
Heavy Metal
1. Joe Berlenbach – MRC MT-10M
2. Erich Reichert- Tamiya King Cab
3. Ron Sacrider- Tamiya King Blackfoot
Stadium Truck
1. Tim Covell
2. Chris Cristo
3. Dan Oconnell
1. Michael Puma
2. Kelly Valentin
3. Angelina Consolazio
1. Scott Puma
2. Brandon Giles
3. Ron Sacrider
1. Mike Novak
2. Brandon Giles
3. Ed Sahm
1. Tim Covell
2. Freddy Valentin
3. Brandon Devroede
Thanks to Erich Reichert for the update.