KO Propo EX-1 images
Having brought you the very first photos and detailed information about the new KO Propo EX-1 yesterday, we have sourced more detailed images of the transmitter with a focus on the modular K.I.Y. system. As explained before the radio allows you to assemble it in modules using the Steering, Throttle and Master units and as such you can configure it to just the way you like it. There are optional steering modules, for a lowered steering wheel and also for a stick option which gives you a hybrid pistol stick result, something that goes back to the original transmitters from the 70s and 80s. We are told by KO that there is a lot more to this radio and we will be given an in depth run through at the Nuremberg toy fair in 2 weeks.
Images: Robitronic [robitronic.com]