Italian nitro on-road championships Rd2
The second round of the Italian nitro on-road championships took place at the track of Leno and it was Capricorn driver Giorgio De Lelici who set the fastest time in Friday’s practice. Team mate Francesco followed with the second fastest time. After the 10 minute long qualifying races the time sheets saw Alessio Mazeeo in front of Biagio Sparato and Guiseppe D’Angelo. The A final started dry but the weather forecast announced rain in the second half of the final and with already 36 minutes in the main rain started to pour down meaning drivers had to switch to wet tyres. At the end it was Francesco Tironi (Capricorn/Capricorn who won the Expert class some three laps ahead of his teammate Giorgio De Felici (Capricorn/Novarossi) and Guiseppe D’Angelo. The F1 category went to Stefanizzi (Capricorn/Gimar) and in F2 Bonsignore (Capricorn/Capricorn) was able to take home the win.
Source: Capricorn []