Martin & Cragg score at EPR
The third round of the BRCA 1/10th buggy nationals took place at the Eden Park Raceway this past weekend. The weather plays a major role in Europe this Spring and the event’s Friday made no exceptions with plenty of the wet stuff pouring down bringing practice to a halt. Saturday however started bright and it was Schumacher’s Simon Moss who took TQ followed by Neil Cragg (Team Associated/Centro) and Lee Martin (Tamiya/Vega). The finals had the usual madness to offer and it was Lee Martin whose wins in A1 and A3 got him the overall win in the 2WD class followed by Simon Moss and Neil Cragg.
Top 10 2WD
1. Lee Martin – Tamiya/VEGA
2. Simon Moss – Schumacher
3. Neil Cragg – AE/Centro
4. Darren Bloomfield – TLR
5. Tom Yardy – AE/Centro
6. Grant Williams – Schumacher
7. Craig Collinson – Team Durango
8. Nathan Ralls – Kyosho
9. Kevin Lee – Kyosho
10. Lloyd Storey – Schumacher
The 4WD class saw Neil Cragg (AE) taking TQ honours with Lee Martin (Tamiya) ending up second and Ellis Stafford (Team Durango) in third place after the qualifiers. Come the finals the race was on between pole man Cragg and local hero Ellis Stafford both scoring a win in the first two finals. A final number three would bring the decision and in the end Ellis just could not get past Lee Martin quick enough to really keep touch with Neil Cragg who drove an un-challenged final all the way to secure the overall victory.
Top 10 4WD
1. Neil Cragg – AE
2. Ellis Stafford – Team Durango
3. Simon Moss – Schumacher
4. Paul Bradby – AE
5. Elliott Boots – Kyosho
6. Nathan Ralls – Schumacher
7. Tom Yardy – AE
8. Grant Williams – Schumacher
9. Lee Martin – Tamiya
10. Danny McGee – Schumacher
Source: oOple []