Ben Panic wins Malaysian Southern Super League 2013
Ben Panic has won the fifth round of the Malaysian Southern Super League and he also took the overall win of the championship. BH Gan (Hong Nor) and Lai Kok Heng (Agama) completed the podium. Didier Perrin took TQ for the final round and secured himself the runner-up spot in the championship.
Top 10 result
1. Ben Panic – Kyosho
2. BH Gan – Hong Nor
3. Lai Kok Heng – Agama
4. Youyi – Mugen
5. CK Lee – Serpent
6. Ah Leng – Mugen
7. Sunny Wong – Team C
8. David Aw – Hong Nor
9. CH Tay – Mugen
10.Rahman Ghani – Team Associated
Source: Novarossi []