JConceots 6.6″ Hi-Tension wing
JConcepts introduce their new 6.6″ wide Hi-Tension wing specially designed for mid-motor buggies. Mid-motor buggies are all the rage in competitive off-road racing and when compared to rear motor vehicles, have a slightly different rear wing placement. JConcepts has stepped up to offer a replacement Hi-Tension wing for drivers utilising the mid-motor option and released a specific wing for the application. The more aft position of the mid-motor wing allows more tyre clearance than normal. The wing also features redesigned the side-dams to accommodate this position and it comes with a flow-through feature in the form of a small angular plane which can be trimmed for a slot which air can pass during racing conditions. In addition, the actual vertical side-dam now has a profiled shape near the bottom, tightening the section and also increasing the stability of the side-dams. Although specifically designed for mid-motor applications, the new wing works also great on 2WD rear motor vehicles as well as 4WD buggies.
Source: JConcepts [jconcepts.net]