November 5, 2014

Christer Andersson wins LTCC 2014

Christer Andersson wins LTCC 2014

The annual LTCC electric on-road race was held this past weekend in Finland. The invitational class is run in a Reedy format with the country’s best 32 drivers being invited. As for the rules the race sees the use of 10.5T motors and blinky speedos for close racing with plenty of fun for the spectators of the nearby hobby fair. Like last year former factory driver Christer Andersson attended the race and he was looking for redemption after scoring a 2nd place in 2013 with zero practice before the event. This year he had only one thing in mind and that was to grab the number 1 spot.

Using a borrowed car he was quick right from the start with the invitational class being undecided until the final heat. Christer needed to get the win in that final heat to be able to take the win over Viljami Kutvonen. Karri Salmela was in the same heat so it was for sure going to be a hard race for Christer. Karri and Christer start off with Christer in front and Karri looking for space to overtake. Halfway trough the leg Karri managed to overtake and Christer was left chasing Karri. After buzzing like a bee behind Karri, Christer finally managed to overtake Karri and he was able to pull a slight lead and to bring home the last heat in order to grab the Lahti Touring Car Championship 2014. The overall result then saw Viljami Kutvonen taking the runner-up spot from Ari Heinonen.

Source: EuroRC []


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