French Winter Championship Rd4 – Report
This past weekend the 4th and final round of the French Winter Championship was held in Montbrison. In the premier class of Touring Car Modified, Cyril N’Diaye took the overall TQ from Jeremy Limoge and Mathieu Briere. The opening final then saw Cyril taking the win in front of Alexandre Laurent and Mathieu Briere who suffered a bit on used tyres. In A2 Mathieu started with a new set of tyres and he was able to challenge Cyril but the latter managed to stay in front to take the win and with it the overall victory early. Mathieu came in 2nd while Jeremy rounded out the top 3 so far. In the final A-main Mathieu cemented his runner-up spot by winning the leg in front of Alexandre and Jeremy. With the 2nd place finish in the final round of the championship Mathieu Briere took the overall 2014/15 French Winter Championship title.
TC Modified results:
1. Cyril N’Diaye – Yokomo
2. Mathieu Briere – Xray
3. Alexandre Laurent – Xray
4. Jeremy Limogse – Xray
5. Maxime Favrelle – ARC
6. Mathias Rascol – Xray
7. Hugo Ragaut – Yokomo
8. Emilien Blanc – Xray
9. Basile Concialdi – Yokomo
10.Aurelien Rivard – Xray
In the Touring Car Stock class Steve Favrelle (ARC) came out successful in front of the Xray duo of Jean Delorme and Pierre Delorme who rounded out the top 3 result.
The Formula class saw Mathieu Briere taking the day’s win after coming in 1st in the first and third A-main. Jeremy Limoges ended the day on the runner-up spot which allowed him to take the overall title while Georges Saux came in 3rd to round out an all-Xray podium.
Finally in the 1/12th Stock class Simon Rubet came out successful in front of Georges Saux and Yoann Bukowki.
Source: Xray []