March 24, 2015

2015 Canadian Onroad Nationals – Report

2015 Canadian Onroad Nationals – Report

The 2015 Canadian Onroad Nationals were held last weekend at the Seaway Mall in Welland Ontario Canada. Over 250 entries from all over North America were in attendance to put on a show for the thousands of spectators that came through to watch over the course of the 3-day event that saw Touring Car, Canadian VTA, GT and Mini class racing. In the Modified Touring Car class it was a three way battle between Team Associated’s Kevin Hebert, Team Yokomo’s Andrew Hardman and Team Xray driver Paul Lemieux. Lemieux grabbed the TQ from Hebert in qualifying but in the final it was Hardman who found pace to take the win with a great drive.

Modified Touring Car result:
1. Andrew Hardman
2. Pau lLemieux
3. Kevin Hebert
4. Blake Bell
5. Daniel Weinstein
6. Dave Locke
7. Glen Sison
8. Justin Silva
9. Michael Zufelt
10.Rob Say

2015 Canadian Onroad Nationals – Report

The 13.5 Touring Car division saw Gordie Tam Claim the TQ but in the final it was Justin Silva who was crowned champion.

Touring Super Stock 13.5T result:
1. Justin Silva
2. Gordie Tam
3. Mark Freschette
4. Daniel Mills
5. Alex Fournier
6. Franky Chan
7. Jim Huppunen
8. Eddie Mon
9. Francis Lee
10.Charlie Gratts

The 17.5 Touring Car division was hotly contested with many drivers close in qualifying. Dave Johnson took the TQ but in the final it was Canadian Rob Say who took his car to the top.

2015 Canadian Onroad Nationals – Report

17.5 Touring Car result:
1. Rob Say
2. Daniel Mills
3. Dave Johnson
4. Charly Gratts
5. Alex Fournier
6. Gordie Tam
7. Martin Lecuyer
8. Ron Garant
9. Mark Frechette

Thanks to Paul Lemieux for the report.


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