Mansson & Ausfelt win at VBC Cup Rd3
Round 3 of the VBC Cup was held at Klippan RC on a medium-size carpet track with two wooden sections and quite a lot of jumps. The race was a two-day event with 2WD being run on Saturday and 4WD on Sunday and a total of 56 entries made for good competition. The finals of the 2WD class were a 2-man race between Team Associated’s Niclas Mansson and TLR driver Otto Ausfelt. At the end Niclas came out successful in front of Otto while Erik Mansson (Team Associated) rounded out the podium in 3rd.
The 4WD class, run on Sunday, saw Niclas taking the TQ in the last two qualifiers to take the pole position for the finals. A1 and A2 were super tight right from the start and small errors of Niclas let Otto Ausfelt (TLR) taking the wins in the first two legs to take the overall win in the 4WD class. Niclas Mansson (Team Associated) came in 2nd while 12-years old Wilhelm Skjöldebrand (Team Associated) completed the top 3 result.
Source: Team Associated []