April 8, 2015

Slovakia Cup Rd4 – Report

Slovakia Cup Rd4 – Report

The fourth round of the Slovakia Cup was held at the Hudy Racing Arena in Trencin, Slovakia in the six classes of Touring Car Modified, Stock, Formula, Pan Car as well as 2WD and 4WD Buggy. The on-road classes were run on a new carpet that made for better grip compared to the previous races and in the Touring Car Modified class it was Martin Hudy who set the pace while David Nemcek and Igor Liptak battled for the 2nd spot.

The opening A-main saw pole-setter Martin win with a large gap over David and Igor but come A2 Martin went into trouble as he had tyre issues that allowed David to take the win from Oliver Havranek and Igor Liptak. In the decisive third A-final Martin made a mistake and from that moment on the fight was on for the win between Martin, Oliver and David but at the end Martin took the overall win from David Nemcek and Oliver Havranek.

Touring Car Modified top 5 result:
1. Martin Hudy
2. David Nemcek
3. Oliver Havranek
4. Igor Liptak
5. Jan Benetin

The Touring Car Stock class win went to Oliver Havranek in front of Tono Sloboda and Mario Zila.

Slovakia Cup Rd4 – Report

Touring Car Stock top 5 result:
1. Oliver Havranek
2. Tono Sloboda
3. Mario Zila
4. Branislav Panak
5. Ladislav Toth

The Formula class had Martin Hudy walking away with the win from Adam Janovic and Tono Sloboda who finished 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Slovakia Cup Rd4 – Report

Formula top 5 result:
1. Martin Hudy
2. Adam Janovic
3. Tono Sloboda
4. Martin Vejmelka
5. Michal Skuben

In the 1/10th Pan Car class Igor Liptak came out successful in front of Vlasto Atovic and Rudo Kadlecik.

Slovakia Cup Rd4 – Report

Pancar 1/10 top 5 result:
1. Igor Liptak
2. Vlasto Atovic
3. Rudo Kadlecik
4. Miro Hargas
5. Vladimir Viskup

The 2WD Buggy class had Adam Janovic ending the day in the 1st place, Michal Nagy and Marian Dockal rounded out the podium in 2nd and 3rd respectively.

Slovakia Cup Rd4 – Report

Buggy 2WD top 5 result:
1. Adam Janovic
2. Michal Nagy
3. Marian Dockal
4. Milos Svihran
5. Dusan Slachtic

Last but not least in the 4WD Buggy class it was again Adam Janovic who came in 1st, this time in front of Peter Lacuska and Adam Urban.

Slovakia Cup Rd4 – Report

Buggy 4WD top 5 result:
1. Adam Janovic
2. Peter Lacuska
3. Adam Urban
4. Roman Pavlus
5. Milos Svihran

Source: Xray [teamxray.com]


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