Hupo Hönigl wins Austrian E-Buggy Nationals Rd1
The opening round of the Austrian 1/8th E-Buggy National Championship was held at the MRC Oberaich club and despite adverse weather forecasts, 55 starters found their way to Styria. At the end the weather held up fine with almost an entire weekend of mostly sunshine and perfect conditions making for ideal conditions at this first ever 1/8th E-Buggy national event on Austrian soil. After six qualifying rounds Hupo Hönigl set TQ for the finals. In the sub-finals Martin Wollanka secured himself the pole position for the A-finals in which Hupo and Martin were in a league of their own. After the triple A-mains Hupo secured the day’s win just ahead of Martin.
Final Result:
1. Hubert Hönigl – Serpent
2. Martin Wollanka – Xray
3. Klemens Heiss – Kyosho
4. Christian Landl – Mugen
5. Thomas Diesslbacher – Xray
6. Andreas Scharinger – Kyosho
7. Werner Spannbruckner – Serpent
8. Christoph Dobetsberger – Team Associated
9. Albert Neuwirth – Mugen
10.Klaus Maunz – JQ Racing
11.Peter Jandl – Crono
12.Markus Scharinger – Kyosho
Source: Öfmav [] | Image: Serpent []