Christopher Krapp wins at TOS West Division Rd2
The second round of the West Division Tonisport Onroad Series was held at the carpet indoor track of the MAC Adenau club in Germany. The event was run in the usual array of Touring Modified, Touring Stock and Formula classes and it saw Tamiya’s Christopher Krapp taking the win in Touring Modified from Serpent driver Thimo Weissbauer and HB pilot Ingo Herschbach.
In the Touring Stock A-main Majuran Tharmalingam (Capricorn) came out fastest from Jan Rettke (Yokomo) in second and Jacques Libar (Team Magic) in third. Finally in the Formula class Marcel Ellissen took the soon-to-be-released Shepherd formula car to a win from runner-up, Jacques Libar (Xray) and third placed Ingo Herschbach (Xray).
Source: MAC Adenau []