Schelle B6-series 2-piece aluminium rear hubs
Schelle Racing Innovations have announced the soon release of an aluminium rear hub set for Team Associated’s B6-series off-road buggies. Fitting the B6 and B6D, as well as older B5M, T5M and SC5M, the 2-piece hub concept offers replaceable upper increases adjustment and durability and they allow to use the kit axle height inserts for 0, +1, +2, and +3 adjustability. The standard location “inside, +1mm shim” matched the kit standard upper row middle “B” hole. The upper cap design can space away from the main hub with ballstud shims, allowing racers fine “in-between” adjustments for the rear upper link. True to the kit geometry, the Schelle aluminium hubs are 0 degree toe-in when using the Associated inserts. The upper caps carry over from the B5M design, and are shared left and right with the upper cap design reduces leverage on the outer ballstud, as well as increasing shock clearance for the turnbuckle. The hubs come without the needed inserts and they are available for pre-order now.
Source: Schelle Racing Innovations []