Exotek D216 alloy chassis brace & direct spur mount
Coming from Exotek and made for the HB Racing D216 buggy are an aluminium chassis brace and the direct spur mount. Starting with the chassis brace, the part is machined from 6061 aluminium and it comes black anodised. The lightweight battery-to-transmission brace removes one of the pivot points in order to increase chassis stiffness and it includes a long wear steel bushing.
Also new is the slipper assembly eliminator spur gear mounting hub for the D216 buggy. Great for stock off-road classes the extra lightweight part makes for increased acceleration and cooler running motors while allowing the mounting of any standard Kimbrough or Exotek Flite spur gear for increased gear ratio options. The hub weighs in at only 3.25g and it is easily swapped for the stock slipper when conditions call for it.
Source: Exotek [exotekracing.com]