JConcepts Reflex, Detox & Triple Dees double dot tyres
JConcepts release three popular 1/8th off-road tyre tread patterns in the long-wear, warm weather double dot compounds. The “2” compounds made popular during events such as the Silver State Nitro Challenge and ROAR Fuel Nationals give racers an option that provides better wear characteristics, less rolling resistance and performance during warm weather or long main events. The R2 compound labelled as medium soft is the first long-wear option a racer will turn to as the track conditions groove out and heat up. Next in the compound line-up, the O2, labelled as the medium compound is the next selection as weather continues to get warmer and the track gets more abrasive. Finally, the Y2, the medium hard compound is the favourite for the most outrageous track temperature range and more importantly, the most abrasive. All double dot compounds are intended for more demanding conditions and work well when paired to the appropriate track.
Source: JConcepts [jconcepts.net]