Mugen release new MTC1 option parts
Mugen have introduced a range of new option parts for the MTC1 electric touring car. First up are new HD gear diff internals that are moulded using a different material that is more durable, resulting in longer intervals between rebuilds and cleaner staying diff fluid, making the whole assembly also more consistent. Also new is a 2-piece set of steering collars that were designed to connect the A2301 steering shaft and A2307 servo plate with the result of an improved steering response in high grip conditions while also improving overall increased stability. Using this setup in lower traction conditions may however decrease the overall steering emphasis. Also new are S5 soft differential and P3 soft shock absorber O-rings that are made to improve the smoothness and response behaviour of the respective components by reducing the friction between the O-rings and the metal components. The O-rings are available separately in 10-piece packs.
Source: Mugen []