March 17, 2020

Xpress XQ10 brass & carbon fibre flex braces

Xpress have announced the release of new optionals for the XQ10 touring car in the form of brass and graphite lower bulkhead plates as well as a 3mm chassis stiffener plate. Starting with the bulkhead plates, the set includes a brass and a carbon fibre plate that can be individually installed under the bulkhead’s diff or spool area. They help to limit overall flex if desired plus the brass plate adding a certain amount of weight if conditions call for it.

Also new is a 3mm carbon fibre chassis stiffener. The slimmed down version can be installed instead of the kit original T-Plate if drivers want to control longitudinal flex only. For flexible mounting options, optional O-rings cane be installed under the brace to retain a minimal amount of flex or it can be secure directly onto chassis for the stiffest setting.

Source: Xpress []


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