Infinity launch ‘Fam1ly’ App
Infinity has released their own app called ‘Fam1ly’ which offers 8 useful tools that will help you during your racing sessions. These include Sensor tool, a tool with which you can measure the Camber and Caster angle of your car in the quickest way possible. Fuel calculator, it will tell you the runtime of your engine, a must-have tool for a racer. It will also let you save your runs and make an average calculation between them. Tyre consumption, this tool is used to calculate the lifetime of the tires for the IF18 and the IF15 cars. As with the Fuel calculator tool, you can save your runs and make an average calculation between 2 or more runs. Oil converter, ever been in a situation where you want a specific gradation of oil but you don’t have it available? This tool can tell you exactly how much oil to use to produce the desired oil density. Stopwatch: this is more than a normal stopwatch. When you save a run you can watch it in details, check the fastest lap, average lap, consistency, and much more… You can also race with the “Ghost” of that run. Gear ratio tool, this will help you to calculate the gear ratio of your car. Notes, a note taking tool to write down everything you need. Setup database, from this tool you can download an editable blank setup sheet of your car, edit it and then upload it on the app to always have all your setups in a single place. The App is already available for download on digital stores and a barcode to register your account is available and free of charge for all Infinity customers.
Source: Creation Model []