175RC.com shorty LiPo brass weights
175RC.com have introduced a range of under LiPo weights for shorty battery packs. Made from heavy brass material and coming in four different designs the weights allow not only to up the overall weight of the vehicle but also to simply adjust the weight distribution. Type A is a plain weight available as 18g or 36g variant while Type B, available as 12g and 23g versions, is very versatile. It can be run in 2WD buggies and flipping the plate forth and back allows to adjust the front to rear weight bias while in 4WD buggies it can be used to bring more weight to the inside or outside. The Type C weight, with outer cut outs, makes for a more centralised weight balance while Type D put more weight to the outer sections. The latter two are available as 12g or 23g versions.
Source: 175RC.com [175rc.com]