February 14, 2018

ReVtech Team 2-cell & 4-cell Lightning charge leads

Coming from Trinity are two new ReVtech Team Lightning charge leads for 2S and 4S LiPo battery packs. The 2-cell variant is about 60cm long and it features Hi-Amp gold-plated 4mm bullets on the charger side and 5mm bullets on the battery side, both offering a tighter fit for higher amp carrying capacity. A black wire braid covers the wires completely and a custom logo shrink wrap makes for a custom look. Also new is a 4-cell variant with 4mm bullets on the charger side and a Deans-style T-plug on the battery side. The about 68cm long harness comes with a blue wire braid, custom logo shrink wrap and like the 2S variant it fits most high-end chargers.

Source: Trinity [teamtrinity.com]


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