Contact introduce updated A foam 1/12th scale tyres
Contact’s popular “A” foam LMP12 tyres are now available on highest performance black wheels. The A foam is Contact’s most durable, affordable tyre. Perfect for racers that want to go many runs without taking the wheels off the car during weekly club racing. The wear rate of this foam is the lowest in the range, even lower than seen with “T” foam. It rarely offers the overall performance of the others, however in lower traction conditions; occasionally it is a match for the more expensive options. Suggested for use on Primafelt or CRC Black carpet, or when oily additive is in use. The front tyres are available in Double Pink 35 shore, Magenta 32 shore, and Pink 30 shore hardnesses while the rear range includes Magenta 32 shore, Pink 30 shore and Soft Pink 28 shore variants.
Source: Schumacher []