May 11, 2021

Infinity IF14-2 lightweight DJ CVD options

From Creation Model for the Infinity IF14-2 comes some new lightweight options. Starting with this lightweight DJ CVD joint that is approx 1.2g lighter than standard steel version (approx 1.8g) by using lightweight and high strength super duralium (A7075). Throttle response is improved by reducing the rotating mass, while front tyre wear and understeer is reduced. Also available for the DJ CVD is this cross spider made using high strength super duralium (A7075) to reduce the weight by approx 36% compared with standard steel. High durability is also achieved by applying a hard alumite treatment. Finally there is this set of titanium screws for attaching the shock mounting to the IF14-II shock tower. It can be used to fine tune the steering feeling and grip between aluminium and steel.

Source: Creation Model []


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