Xtreme Mach1 Body Updates
Following the launch of its Mach1 190mm Touring Car body back in June, Italian company Xtreme Aerodynamics has issued an ‘important statement’ regarding new updates to the bodyshell. The statement reads, ‘Following the release of Mach1, several test have been carried out and some room for improvement has been found, thus leading to a new version of the body that has just been released. Changes are minimal and related only to rear part: – Removed side support of the wing: allows wing to bend sideway, miming a softer wing behaviour. – Lowered wing support (2mm): optimize flow under the wing and reduce body frontal area. These changes push in the direction of drag reduction and increased corner speed, especially for Stock class.’
Source: Xtreme Aerodynamics [xtremeaerodynamics.it]