August 1, 2023

BRCA 2WD Onroad Nationals R4 Bedword – Report

The fourth round of this year’s BRCA 2WD Onroad Championship took place at the Bedword circuit near Nuneaton where Ben Moorey took the FWD win on tie break and Michael Lee won F1.   In the FWD the first of qualifying was a close affair with half-a-second covering the top three on 21 laps and saw Moorey’s Awesomatix edge out Ben Cosgrove’s Xray and Andy Murray’s Schumacher, with Aaron Rose’s Schumacher in fourth.  Round two was a repeat result of the first round but with Dale Burr’s Awesomatix in fourth.  Q3 went the way of Ben C, Andy, Ben M and Aaron.  This gave the grid of Ben M, Ben C, Andy, Aaron and Dale.  The first leg of the final’s saw Ben M take the win on 21 laps from Ben C, Andy and Aaron.  The second leg saw a change in conditions and a win for Andy on 17 laps from Ben M, Aaron and Daniel Robins and Ben C was fifth.  So, going into the final leg the win was still up for grabs between the two Ben’s and Andy.  The third leg saw a win for Ben C on 19 laps from Andy, Dale and Daniel.  This left the Top three all on the same points, so it was down to the tie-breaker to decide the overall win and that went to Moorey from Cosgrove and Murray.

In qualifying it was the Michael Lee who took the first two rounds of qualifying with his Schumacher from James Greener’s Xray with Michael Friebel’s WRC in third. Q3 saw a win for James from Michael with Rob Chaldecott in third. So, it was Michael Lee on pole from James and Michael F.  The finals saw Michael Lee taking all three legs for the overall win, from James with a brace of seconds and Michael F in third with a second and a third.

Thanks to Mike Haswell from the BRCA 1/10th Electric Section for the report.


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