ROAR clamping down on radical body shell designs
Following the introduction of the new forward cockpit Bull dog shell from Pro-Line, that made its debut at the recent Silver State race, it seems that this and other new body shell designs was a step too far for ROAR. The US governing body have today announced that they will begin to approve buggy shells for sanctioned events, something they haven’t done previously, in order to maintain a resemblance to “those used in full-scale off-road and stadium racing”. One could question how much conventional RC buggy and truggy resemble full size race cars, but rules are rules and ROAR believe that these new body shell designs are not in the spirit of the rules and so are clamping down.
It has been ROAR’s desire to avoid instituting an approval process for bodies in the off-road categories. There is already a requirement that “buggy and truck bodies resemble those used in full-scale off-road and stadium racing. Sedans, out of scale truck, ad van bodies are prohibited,” rule This clause establishes the “spirit of the rules” and the decades-old fundamental principle that we are racing scale versions of full-size racing vehicles, with allowable tolerances to adapt the bodies to current manufacturing techniques and chassis dimensions.
Too many manufacturers have exercised too must creative license regarding the aforementioned, which compels ROAR to take decisive and immediate action in order to prevent continued and dramatic departure from scale realism in the off-road segment.
A bullet point was added to the section of the 2010 rulebook in an attempt to discourage the introduction of even more bodies that are not in compliance with the spirit of the rules, and to gain consensus amongst manufacturers about acceptable limits regarding the dimensions and appearance of off-road vehicles for the coming season. Unfortunately, cooperation has not been forthcoming from many manufactures, and the clause has not had the desired effect of stopping the introduction of even more bodies that are clearly in violation of the spirit of the rules.
As a result, ROAR has removed the clause in the rule book and will take the following action, effective immediately, which will first be enforced at the Fuel Off-Road Nationals.
Only ROAR-approved bodies may be used in sanctioned events.6.1.3
Body Approval process:
An Approved Body List is maintained by the ROAR Technical Director, and published on the ROAR website ( If a body is not on the approved body list, it is not legal for use at ROAR-sanctioned events.
The ROAR Administrator or Technical Director can provide full details of the submission process on request.
To be approved, bodies MUST conform to the provisions of rules and rules 6.1.18 through, plus any dimensional requirements in the Vehicle Class Specifications itemized in sections 8.10 and 9.4 of the ROAR rulebook. The body manufacturer, distributor or other entity must submit a picture and sample of the body to ROAR, along with the required fee, and must be a current ROAR Industry Affiliate member.
All approved bodies are required to have the manufacturer’s ID and body number molded into the lower portion of the windshield or on the body below the point where a windshield would have been on the full scale counterpart. Otherwise, the proof of the legality of a questionable body is the responsibility of the driver.6.1.4
Throughout an event, the body must be complete, neatly finished, painted, and trimmed. Detailed headlights, signal markers, grille and taillights appropriate for each vehicle (where applicable) must be applied by paint or decal. These details should be in significant contrast to the body in order to make them clearly visible. No clear areas except windshields and windows are allowed. No clear areas or stripes through body colors are permitted. No objectionable or suggestive art, decals, or lettering will be permitted.
The lack of front fascia details may not be the subject of disqualification at the conclusion of an event. An official may, however, require that a competitor apply such details to the body at any time. If the request is made prior to the start of any organized practice round, qualifier or main event, the driver may not request any additional time beyond the predetermined grace period to comply with the requirement. Failure to comply will prevent the driver from further participation in the event until such a time as the requirement is fulfilled. Off Road Bodies:
Buggy and truck bodies used in ROAR-sanctioned events should resemble those used in full scale off-road and stadium racing. Sedans, out-of-scale truck, and van bodies are prohibited. (underlined section in second bullet point has been removed.)6.1.18
All body approvals will be subject to scrutiny of the respective or collective advisory committees regarding compliance to the “spirit of the rules.” An objective evaluation shall determine the status of each submission based on the adherence to the principles outlined in sections through
Affiliate manufacturers desiring to obtain a advisory opinion may submit drawings to ROAR Technical Director and Section Chairman for a provisional approval. A provisional approval does not constitute a final approval. Final approval may only be determined upon receipt and evaluation of a production body.
Modifications by the manufacturer to approved bodies are not permitted. Modified versions of approved bodies must carry a new ID number as outlined in rule, and must also be approved. Any modifications to approved bodies without a new ID number and separate approval will void all prior approvals of the body in question.
At its discretion, ROAR may grant approval to any body in the absence of a submission from the manufacturer or other entity.
Source: ROAR []