Motodrom Andernach 24 hour race
The now legendary 24 hour race that takes place every year on the Motodrom Andernach track in Germany was held last weekend in typical damp conditions. Started 11 years ago, this year’s event attracted drivers from Austria, Luxembourg and Netherlands as well as a big contingent from Germany to the home of RC car family Rheinard. Uwe Rheinard, father of Marc and Toni Rheinard, started this 24h race in the year 2000 with Tamiya FWD chassis’ but now all teams are running Tamiya TT 01-chassis with the kit silver motor and last weekend all cars were powered by 4200mAh Speedpower LiFe-batteries. 24 teams took part, with each team consisting of 7 members meaning nearly 170 drivers were fighting for the victory. On Sunday afternoon at 13:45 team ‘Wilde 13’ took the win as they had done last year and previous times in the past, while in position 2 and 3, were the two Dutch teams. The winning team drove 3072 laps which is a distance of around 700km, a lot of kilometers for a plastic Tamiya TT01. In September on the same track, Uwe Rheinard will organise the first European endurance championship (EEC) with nearly same rules. 14 European nations will participate and if you are interested to participate in the EEC please contact Uwe Rheinard (
View images from the event here and here.