LRP ‘Boost 0’ speed control proposal
LRP have announced that they are sending a rule proposal for ‘Boost 0 speed controls’ to all the important RC federations to help create a new standard for this setting in all ESCs. As there was no exact definition of ‘Boost 0’, the drivers couldn’t be sure that the ‘Boost 0’ speed controls from the different manufacturers were on the same performance level. With the LRP rule proposal, the definite technical meaning of ‘Boost 0’ is now clearly defined for the very first time. Other manufacturers also get a firm base to ensure that ‘Boost 0’ speed controls of different manufacturers can be allowed in one class, because they are based on the same preconditions. Speed controllers eligible for ‘Boost 0’ classes must provide zero timing advance, along with disabling advanced motor control functions (i.e. Boost, Cheat Mode, Turbo, etc). When the ‘Boost 0’ profile is enabled, it shall be indicated by a blinking LED while the ESC is armed and in neutral position. The commutation sequence is limited to ‘6-step’ type and commutation of the speed control must follow the motors hall sensor signals 1:1, e.g. no shifted timing (no matter if advanced or retarded) is allowed at any RPM.
Source: LRP []