Team Magic 200mm Prototype chassis
During the Toy Fair we sat down with Italian Raimondo Gilletti, the man charged with working on the new Team Magic touring car for the Taiwanese company. Having just come back from working in Taiwan for the past few months we were shown the results of that collaboration in the form of these CAD images of the prototype which they are planning to produce. A change in direction for TM in terms of the look of the car, it is now much more conventional in its styling and configuration, which is not a bad thing. As with everything on the car, with the exception of the shock absorbers, the geometry is also completely new and that is ‘inspired’ by the current market leaders in order to give the car a solid base from which to develop further in the future. This design will go into the prototype phase by features and specifications may change before the car hits production. We were also told that the competition brand for Team Magic will become K-Factory, which this car will fall under.