2012 DHI Cup set for Onroad & Offroad
The organisers of the DHI Cup, who announced that last January was their last event, were in touch to tell us that they are back and will run both onroad and offroad together in the Stadium Arena Fyn in Odense, Denmark on the 6th to 8th of January. The international race scene has changes a lot since the first DHI-CUP back in 2001, so now they think it is also time to do something different. For the first time a big international indoor race will do both offroad and onroad on 2 different tracks, that will be 32 x 22 meters. So you will be able to compete in both classes or all classes if you like and have enough cars. They hope to have drawings of the Stadium Arena and the tracks in a couple of weeks.
Source: DHI Cup [facebook.com]