Hungarian Nationals Rd5 report
The last round of the Hungarian Offroad Championships took place on a newly built track inside a speedway facility in Debrecen recently. It is a US style loamy track with many jumps and tight corners. In Buggy class it was Toth Bence who TQ’d, winning 3 rounds of out 6 in front of Cseko Gergely and Gabnai Gergo. For the finals the track broke up quite a bit so it was real challenge to stay on your wheels without losing a lot of pace. Right after the start Bence and Gergely provided the show for those many speedway fans who visited with very fair and super close racing, continuously changing their position for the lead followed by Bruzsa Richard in a close third. After about 10 minutes Gergely dropped back because of driving errors while Bence and Richard continued swapping their position in front. Gergely was able to pit one less than his rivals and slipped back into the lead while they were out for their last pitstop at the 23 minute mark. This passing maneuver confused both Bence and Richard a bit, they were trying to catch up while racing with each other which resulted in many mistakes that let Gergely to open the gap on them. The race for 2nd remained open till the very last lap.
1. Cseko Gergely – Losi 8ight 2.0 EU / RB Concept B11 / Pro-Line
2. Toth Bence – Losi 8ight 2.0 EU / RB Concept B11 / PMT
3. Bruzsa Richard – Losi 8ight 2.0 EU / RB Concept B11 / Pro-Line
Winning 4 out of 5 races Cseko Gergely become the 2011 Hungarian National Champion in Buggy class.
In Truggy class 2010 Junior champion, young local racer Arvai Krisztian dominated the whole event winning every heat and the final as well with big gap.
1. Arvai Krisztian – Losi 8ight-T 2.0 / RB Concept B10 / AKA
2. Fekete Robert – Losi 8ight-T 2.0 / RB Concept B10 / Pro-Line
3. Hajos Robert – Kyosho Inferno ST-RR / RB Concept B10 / AKA
Winning 3 out of the 5 races Arvai Krisztian become the 2011 Hungarian National Champion in Truggy class.
In Electric class it was super close racing all season long. The overall championship title was decided at the very last race, still they were on equal points(!) but a faster final time gave the decision to Fekete Robert advantage.
1. Fekete Robert – Losi 8ight-TE 2.0 / Leopard / Pro-Line
2. Palla Csaba – Mugen MBX-6 Eco / HPI / HB
3. Gabnai Gergo – Mugen MBX-6 Eco / Tekin / Pro-Line
Winning 4 out of 5 races Fekete Robert become the 2011 Hungarian National Champion in Electric class.
Ran together but evaluated separately, Electric Buggy class results:
1. Palla Csaba – Mugen MBX-6 Eco / HPI / HB
2. Gabnai Gergo – Mugen MBX-6 Eco / Tekin / Pro-Line
3. Kozma Peter – Mugen MBX-6 Eco / HPI / HB
Winning 3 out of the 5 races Palla Csaba become the 2011 Hungarian National Champion in Electric Buggy class.
Report and pictures by Cseko Gergely.