Baker & Olson win at JBRL Rd2
San Diego RC Raceway played host to the JBRL Round 2 this past weekend. A brand new track layout was put in and made the race an even playing field for all and Tekno RC made their presence known. In the 1/8 buggy class, the Tekno RC EB48 swept the podium and 4th place. Barry Baker finished 1st, followed by Pres Ilog in 2nd, Josh Bertrand in 3rd, and Chad Panek in 4th. In the Pro4 Short Course class Tekno RC again dominated the podium. Matthew Olson from MIP running Tekno RC driveshafts came in 1st place followed by Tekno RC’s Barry Baker and Chad Panek to round out the top 3 spots. Rudy Rico and his SCT410 would finish in 5th place. There were more SCT410’s in the top 5 and in the A Main than any other truck.
Source: Tekno RC []