ARC R12 mid-motor touring car kit
Following a couple of teaser images ARC have finally fully unveiled their all-new R12 mid-motor touring car kit. The car was developed with maximising traction, increasing drivetrain efficiency and lowering the overall centre of gravity in mind. The vehicle builds on a newly developed mid-motor double deck chassis construction whose massive yet lightweight mono-block motor mount bulkhead improves centre rigidity while allowing the front and rear to flex independently thanks to the split double deck design. The motor mount also features integrated belt tensioning for reduced belt skip and increased drivetrain longevity. The new mirrored front and rear upper decks allow for independent flex adjustment while brand-new front, centre and rear belt pulleys provide a centralised transmission system for increased stability and handling of the R12. An optional 3.5mm wide belt is available separately for the ultimate in durability even when running the most powerful modified motors. A newly developed mid pulley also allows for swift and easy main gear changes after undoing three screws.