February 28, 2014

BP Racing signs Mirko Salemi

BP Racing signs Mirko Salemi

Italian company BP Racing announce the signing of Mirko Salemi for the 2014 season. Mirko will run the new BP-RS4 1/8th nitro on-road car nationally and internationally. This is what Mirko has to say about the deal:

First tests have been very good and I am sure the car will reach some important results both nationally and internationally.

Source: BP Racing [bpracing.it]

April 22, 2008

BP Racing 2008 Engine line-up

BP Racing 2008 Engine line-up

Italian company BP Racing have released information about their complete line of gas engines for 2008. Starting with their circuit engine, this 3.5cc is available in 2 versions, a 7 port and 9 port version and both feature a 14mm crankshaft, CNC machined piston and composite carburettor with interchangeable venturi. Similar in features, the buggy engine is available in a 3 and 5 port version, while the rally game motor comes in a 7 or 9 port version. For truggies, BP have also produced a 4.0cc motor available in 3 and 7 port versions.

Click here to see the other engines… content

July 9, 2007

BP Racing Clutch for truggies

BP Racing Clutch for truggies

Our partners the Border have started selling this new clutch, for buggies and truggies, from Italian manufacturer BP Racing. Sold complete with 2 alminium and 1 carbon clutch shoe, this new clutch allows for better clutch engagement on high grip tracks, providing the solid punch needed to get moving quickly. Available to buy now from the Border.

Source: The Border [the-border.com]

November 1, 2006

BP Racing 735 Engine

BP Racing 735 Engine

Peter V over at Radio Control Zone posted a few exploded shots of the Fastom 735 Engine that showed up on the internet today but had little or no other information about it. So i checked a few things and found that this engine is made by BP Racing in Italy and was in fact introduced earlier this year at the toy fair in Nürnberg along with the Motonica and early reports are that it isn’t as hot as it looks.

From the BP Racing site
New generation engine entirely drawn in series by the full with special alloys and high precision machineries Crankshaft diameter 15 bearings with increased diameters. Crankcase-sleeve group decomposed to facilitate the maintenance and the preparation. Crankcase entirely obtained by bars of wire material to reach a very higt mechanical resistance, totally eliminating all the porousness coming by fusion. Sleeve-linear assembled with tight tolerances to avoid vibration and consequent breakings.

Check out the BP Racing site for more information or view the exploded view here.