February 11, 2007

Yannick Aigoin switches to GRP tyres

Yannick Aigoin switches to GRP tyres

I guess I’m not as up to date on the tire sponsors as i should be, and in buggies it is quite difficult to follow, as it seems i didnt notice the fact that European Champion and Xray team driver Yannick Aigoin has made the switch from Pro Line tyres to GRP. This news came to everyones attention yesterday as he was seen sporting the new rubber, as well as new GRP team wear, at this weekends Montpellier GP. RB Products, for whom Yannick works import both the Pro Line and GRP ranges of tyres into France.

Image: Ligue13 [ligue13.com]

February 1, 2007

GRP Engine news – Mario Rossi tuned motors

Mario Rossi Ninja

Word of engine maestro Mario Rossi coming out with his own hand tuned range of GRP made motors came out about a week or so back and here we have the fruits of that partnership. The engine above is the new Falcon motor which has been given the Mario Rossi personal go fast treatment and topped off with this great looking magnesium coloured cooling head. He has also put his hand to the Ninja motors and an image of that can be seen below.

You can view more images here… content

January 27, 2007

GRP release new clothing line

GRP release new clothing line

GRP, makers of tyres and more recently engines alongside Mario Rossi, have released details of their upcoming clothing line and it seems pretty extensive. Not only do they have their newly designed orange and black t-shirts, shirts, sweaters, fleeces, jackets and hats but they also have shorts and trousers. Pretty extensive and no very easy to show that you support GRP.

Source: Modellismo RC [modellismorc.net]

December 21, 2006

GRP release innovative exhaust system

GRP FLS Exhaust Pipe

GRP have announced the release of their new innovative 3 chamber exhaust system for 3.5cc off road engines. The innovation isn’t the new titanium colored finish but instead with the fact that the need for springs in mounting the exhaust to the manifold is eliminated with a new patented locking system called FLS.

The main novelty is the FLS (Fast Link System), studied and patented by GRP worldwide. This new system eliminates the need for springs, gaskets between the manifold and the pipe. You simply insert them and twist and it locks into place. Not only the FLS is new but also the pipe is made from a harder material, titanium finishing and a true 3 chamber model, guranteeing high performance and low noise.

Source: GRP [grp-gandini.com]

October 19, 2006

Interview with Maurizio Gandini of GRP

Gandini brothers

Italian webzine Automodellismo.net have a insightful interview with Maurizio Gandini who, along with twin brother Stefano, run the world famous and ultra successful GRP. The article hits upon the companys history, production output of 1.4 million sets of tires a year and goes into further details about their move, in collaboration with Mario Rossi, to produce engines which have gone on to win their first World title in Australia this year in the car of Japanese driver Keisuke Fukuda.

Read the translated (Google) version of the interview here.

Source: Automodellismo.net [automodellismo.net]