April 24, 2018

Infinity IF14 aluminium spool outdrive

Infinity has released a new hard anodised aluminium spool outdrive set for their IF14 electric touring car. Finished with an aluminium enamel coating, this creates excellent wear-resistant. Compared to the kit standard steel version, the new 7075-T6 material spool comes in 6.8g lighter per unit. This weight saving helps achieve better throttle response. The spool works in conjunction with the T124 C-blade protector for the drive shafts.

Source: Creation Model [creationmodel.net]

April 24, 2018

T-Works MBX8 CF shock towers & arm stiffeners

Coming from T-Works and made for the Mugen MBX8 buggy are new carbon fibre front and rear shock towers as well as carbon fibre A-arm stiffeners. Starting with the shock towers, the parts are machined from high-quality 4mm carbon fibre and are understood to utilise the standard kit geometry. The towers are light of weight and due to their different flex characteristics compared to the standard items, they can improve handling on slippery surfaces. The shock stays are available separately or as a complete set including the front and rear tower. Also new are carbon fibre A-arm inserts for the MBX8. The inserts will reduce the natural flex of the arms which can be beneficial in a range of track and temperature conditions. The inserts are machined from high-quality carbon fibre and are available as a complete set or separately for the front or rear.

View the other new parts here

April 24, 2018

Xtreme Racing Mugen & Arrma CF shock towers

Xtreme Racing have introduced new carbon fibre shock towers for a range of vehicles including the Mugen MBX8, MGT7 and Arrma Talion V3. The MBX8 front and rear tower are machined from 5mm carbon fibre while the MGT7 on-road shock stays are cut from thinner 4mm carbon fibre. The Talion V3 items are again cut from thicker 5mm material to up durability for bashing conditions. All items are designed to match the respective standard kit geometry, they are made in the USA and are available separately.

View the other new parts here

April 23, 2018

VRP MBX8 carbon fibre rear shock tower spacer

Vision Racing Products have released their new carbon fibre rear shock tower spacer for the Mugen MBX8. This spacer goes between the rear bulkhead and tower to space the whole tower back by 3mm. The spacer re-positions weight reward to accommodate the advancement in light weight wings and wing mounts, in addition to moving the upper shock mounts back to reduce shock bind. All this results in more rear grip that the new MBX8 can benefit. The spacer includes the camber mounts so there is no shimming necessary to keep them in the correct location. The item is made from 3mm carbon fibre and it is available now.

Source: Vision Racing Products [visionracingproducts.com]

April 23, 2018

T-Works MP9 TKI3/4 aluminium & brass A-arm mounts

Coming from T-Works and made for the Kyosho MP9 TKI3 and TKI4 buggies are aluminium or brass lower suspension mounts. The items come as FF, FR, RF high or RF low mounts and are machined from either lightweight aluminium or heavy brass all of which help to fine-tune the weight distribution of the buggy. A black surface coating reduces wear and silver (alloy) or gold-colour (brass) machined edges add a certain bling to the parts.

Source: T-Works [rc-tworks.com]

April 23, 2018

Yeah Racing YD2 series alloy front bulkhead

Coming from Yeah Racing and made for the Yokomo YD2 series of drift cars is an aluminium front bulkhead. The item is machined from high-quality alloy and is a drop fit with the YD2 and YD2S. The 2-piece bulkhead comes black anodised for wear and looks and it features machined silver edge details to match the remainder of Yeah Racing’s YD2 series option parts.

Source: Yeah Racing [yeahracing.com]

April 23, 2018

MIP B6.1D Pucks 17.5 drive system

MIP’s popular Puck 17.5 drive system is now also available for Team Associated’s new B6.1D buggy. The lightweight, aluminium-based system is a replacement for the standard steel items and includes a 2-piece aluminium outdrive cup and aluminium outdrive hub assembly, two Bi-metal bones, and the replaceable plastic orange wear Pucks™ that take the place of the inferior steel pins. This combination greatly increases the longevity of the drivetrain and most importantly decreases the drivetrain’s overall rotating mass by about 50 percent. The decrease in weight directly results in quicker acceleration, deceleration, and lower motor temps, making it ideal for 17.5T stock racing classes.

Source: MIP [miponline.com]

April 20, 2018

RC-Project MBX8 aluminium steering post

Italian company RC-Project have introduced a set of aluminium steering posts for the Mugen MBX8 buggy. They are machined from high-grade 7075-T6 Ergal and come with a 50µ thick hard coating for wear. The posts weigh in at only 4.9g a pair and while being light of weight they are also ver durable.

Source: RC-Project [rc-project.it]