July 22, 2014

Protoform aluminium wing mounts & satin car stand

Protoform aluminium wing mounts & satin car stand

New from Protoform come aluminium wing mounts and an on-road car stand. Starting with the wing mounts, they make for an extra-secure hold and super trick look 1/10th touring cars, USGTs or World GTs. The teardrop-shaped wing mounts are anodised in Protoform red and laser-etched with the signature PF logo for added bling-factor and factory team style. They also allow for fore & aft wing adjustability if a slot is cut into the wing. They come with mounting hardware and work with most TC wings and bodies.

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July 22, 2014

Pro-Line Pro-2 SC aluminium steering rack

Pro-Line Pro-2 SC aluminium steering rack

Made for the Pro-Line Pro-2 but also the Traxxas Slash 2WD and the Electric Rustler is this aluminium steering rack from Pro-Line. The increased steering response and precision provided by the set will lead to faster lap times and also more fun while bashing. The kit includes ball bearings for silky smooth steering action and eliminates the servo saver for maximum steering. As an added bonus the centre steering link is made out of carbon fibre for the ultimate in lightweight style, stiffness and durability. The rack includes adjustable steering Ackermann holes where the centre holes are Stock, inner holes are more aggressive, and the outer holes are less aggressive for more adjustability.

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July 22, 2014

Pro-Line Phantom bodyshell for TLR 8ight 3.0

Pro-Line Phantom bodyshell for TLR 8ight 3.0

Pro-Line introduce the Phantom design bodyshell for the TLR 8ight 3.0. The Phantom design was originally thought out by Lee Martin for 1/10th buggies and the edgy yet flowing design now finds its way into 1/8th racing. The stealthy cab forward design and special rear section help with high-speed stability as does the optional rear centre fin. The body is tailor-made for the 8ight 3.0, it comes clear and including window masks and a decal sheet.

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July 22, 2014

Arrowmax Yokomo buggy spring steel turnbuckle sets

Arrowmax Yokomo buggy spring steel turnbuckle sets

Arrowmax have two new spring steel turnbuckle sets available for the Yokomo B-Max2 and B-Max4 buggies. The 2WD buggy set contains two 41mm and four 51mm links while the B-Max4 specific set includes two 32mm, three 41m and two 44mm turnbuckles. Coming with both sets is a suitable turnbuckle wrench that allows for easy link adjustment even in tight surroundings.

Click here to view the B-Max4 specific set

July 22, 2014

New WRC STX 4mm carbon fibre upper deck set

New WRC STX 4mm carbon fibre upper deck set

Italian company WRC introduce a new optional carbon fibre upper deck set for the STX touring car. Made from 4mm material, the dual vertical deck is made for medium to high grip tracks and it is understood that the parts can be assembled in two different ways in order to adjust the flex characteristics.

Source: WRC [wrc-racing.com]

July 22, 2014

Team Orion Vortex VST2 Pro LW lightweight motors

Team Orion Vortex VST2 Pro LW lightweight motors

Team Orion soon have special lightweight versions of their Vortex VST2 Pro electric brushless motors available. It is understood that they offer the same specifications as the regular weight variants but the heavily machined cases scrub around 15g of weight. Especially the front part sports new milled out sections that not only reduce weight but help with cooling. The LW motors are available in a range of windings including modified 3.5T, 4.0T and 4.5T variants as well as 10.5T, 13.5T and 17.5T stock motors.

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July 22, 2014

Xray 1/10th on-road adjustable body mounts

Xray 1/10th on-road adjustable body mounts

Xray now have their own version of the popular height adjustable body mounts available. Made from orange anodised 7075 aluminium the body stops offer an adjustment range of 3mm to fine tune the height and rake of touring car bodies on T2, T3 and T4 cars. A the size of the height adjustment nut and a marking dimple make for convenient and precise adjustment. The parts that come as pair can also be used on the front of the NT1 200mm nitro touring car.

Source: Xray [teamxray.com]

July 22, 2014

Xray XB8 aluminium steering kingpin plates

Xray XB8 aluminium steering kingpin plates

Xray introduce new aluminium steering kingpin plates for the XB8 buggy. The plates are specially designed for the use with Xray’s XPBS pivot ball system and allow to fine-tune the Ackermann setting and thus the steering characteristic of the buggy. Beside the standard 14 degree part there are also 10 degree and 6 degree plates available that reduce the on-power steering, with the 6 degree part offering the smoothest on-power steering setting. The parts come as pairs, they are machined from 7075-T6 aluminium and offer a hard-coated finished for durability and looks while white markings help with identification.

Click here to view the other two kingpin plates