November 27, 2020

OS Speed TT02 & MT02 exhaust system

OS Engines will release a complete exhaust system that combines the TT02 (EFRA 2690) silencer and the MT02 manifold. This set is optimised for the engine characteristics of the recently released MAX-12TG Ver.4 engine. Compared to the current MT01 manifold, the new manifold combined with the pipe improves low and medium end power. The set comes with pipe, manifold, exhaust seals and mounting springs.

View the complete set here

November 7, 2020

Max Power 2094 onroad pipe & manifolds

Max Power by Massimo Fantini have released their new 2094 onroad pipe and manifolds. Available in regular polished metal and what he is calling ‘total black’, they look great and claim to boost power output. Coming as a standalone pipe or in a pipe set, there are also four different manifolds available, standard, 90 short, 90 medium and 90 long.

Source: Max Power []

October 19, 2020

XTR Racing EFRA 2149 exhaust system

XTR Racing have introduced their new EFRA 2149 exhaust system for offroad. This high quality aluminium exhaust has been designed to produce a precise and linear throttle response in the low to mid RPM range with a great top end speed. This pipe set will provide great power to your engine up to the high RPM range and an easy to drive power curve. The pipe set includes exhaust, manifold, gaskets and mounted springs.

Source: XTR Racing []

October 13, 2020

Pepe P-line Muffler Glove spray

New from the Pepe Group is this P-Line Muffler Glove spray, a special protective grease that is resistant to very high temperatures. Supplied in a 400ml can you apply it by spraying at least one complete layer of the product onto the pipe/manifold. Afterwards all the tire rubber residue that sticks to the pipe can be easily removed with a simple cloth and without any effort. An application lasts for more than 12 hours.

Source: Pirani RC []

September 17, 2020

Ruddog R2167 tuned exhaust pipe

The new Ruddog R2167 tuned exhaust pipe was developed together with their racing team to ensure optimised performance in combination with the RNX21.3 nitro off-road engine. The EFRA2167 homologated pipe offers exceptional torque and top end speed as well as low fuel consumption, ensuring balanced performance for all types of tracks and track conditions. Included with the polished pipe comes an L50 manifold that further supports the overall performance of the exhaust system.

Source: Ruddog []

September 3, 2020

Ultimate EFRA 2142 offroad black HD pipe set

Ultimate Racing’s EFRA 2142 Black HD off-road exhaust set is a heavy-duty variant of the standard chrome-finish pipe set. The high-quality, super strong exhaust is made of aluminium and features a black surface coating for improved durability and easier cleaning. Due to its high rigidity it also offers better resonance for improved overall performance while the dark surface coating further improves heat dissipation. The pipe also features the Fast-Lock system for an optimised power curve, higher top speeds and better fuel mileage. As for the characteristics, the exhaust and muffler combination promises precise and linear throttle response in high RPM range with a great top end speed and will provide great power and speed at high RPM. Included comes mounting hardware such as springs and gaskets.

View the full set here

August 4, 2020

O.S.Speed MR03-WC 1/8th scale on-road manifold

Coming from O.S.Speed is their new manifold for 1/8th scale on-road engines. Developed for the 2019 IFMAR World Championships and successfully used by World Champion Shoki Takahara, the manifold offers a smooth transition between the low and high speed RPM range and it is best used with the TR01 EFRA2098 exhaust pipe for high speed tracks or the recently released TR02 EFRA2165 pipe for improved torque in the low to medium speed range. Included with the polished and laser-engraved manifold come a high-quality silicone seal and mounting springs.

Source: O.S.Speed []

July 17, 2020

Picco EFRA 2166 off-road pipe set

Picco have introduced their new EFRA 2166 off-road exhaust set. It was developed to supply improved power and crisp acceleration, making it a favourite of Picco’s Renaud Savoya. Included in the set come a suitable manifold, silicone gaskets and mounting springs.

Source: Picco by Kyosho Europe []