Schelle SC10 Spinfree front axles & Onyx bearing kits
Schelle Racing Innovations introduce the Spinfree front axles for the Team Associated SC10 and expand their line of Onyx bearings. Starting with the front axles, the chromoly alloy shafts are of a design that relieves the clamping forces on the front bearings, allowing to tighten the wheels completely and stop the front axles from binding in the turns. The axles come as pair and include shims and button head screws. Schelle has also expanded their Onyx bearing line to outfit the three newest 4WD electric buggies on the market as are the Team Associated B44.3, Hot Bodies D413, and TLR 22-4. The greased split-seal bearings reduce overall drivetrain drag and come in a re-usable snap case wrapped with the Schelle logo and graphics.
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